Saturday, June 25, 2011

Makeup-less Running and PB&J's

Just got back from a nice 7-mile run with Blake at Silver Springs in Stow. My legs felt great and I felt like I could keep on going. The weather was perfect. It was cloudy, so no sun in my eyes, slightly breezy and not too hot. I was sad though that I forgot my Nike iPod at home because then I couldn't keep track of my miles and pace. Luckily we run that trail a lot so we knew how far it was. I love long-runs on a trail with Blake. It gives us time to talk and to enjoy nature at the same time.

I saw lots of things on my run this morning... Dead mice, lots of bikers and fellow runners, trees, cute puppies, and one of my pet peeves when running... A woman wearing makeup... She had the eye shadow, mascara, cover-up and all! Can't stand it when people dry to doll themselves up when they go to workout, even to the gym. No one cares what you look like and I feel bad for people who try too hard to look good when they're going to just sweat it all off anyways... Maybe they don't have a good self-esteem that they think they're not beautiful without makeup? Or maybe they're trying to look good for the hott guy or girl? Now the first reason, I can see. But, I think it looks pathetic when people wear makeup when working out. I bet men (or women) find it more attractive if you're not wearing makeup when working out. It shows that you don't need to try hard to be beautiful and it shows more confidence. Makeup is used to cover up those insecurities we have, short, thin eye lashes, pale skin, dull eyes, etc. A real woman (or man) doesn't need to wear makeup to feel good about themselves and to be beautiful. Now, don't get me wrong, I too wear makeup on occasions, but not EVERYDAY. It's just unnecessary... A little bit of mascara and lip gloss every so often is OK, just leave it at home when you're going on a run or hitting up the gym, please.
This is how I look on my runs, makeup-less! I may not be a supermodel , but I don't need no makeup to feel beautiful!

Carrots, banana and most of the PB&J were already in my tummy at the time of this picture.
Now that I'm done with my rant... (lol) I just got done eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat with carrot sticks and a banana on the side. NOM NOM! I don't think I can go a day without having a banana or peanut butter. They're like a necessity for me. Definitely my two favorite foods. They're just so good! Especially together on a bagel... Mmmmm...

Well, time to go shower and get ready to head over to my grandma's house. My younger cousin is out of rehab for the day. So proud of him. :)

Stay fit my friends! :)


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