Sunday, June 26, 2011

The X in P90X and a Message to Drivers

Ahh yes, just got done doing P90X Plyometrics. LOVE plyos! Tony Horton begins by telling you to "Get ready to get airborne" as well as to grab a bucket to prepare for all the sweating you'll do. And he's right! There are 30 explosive jumping moves in a highly intense 50-minute cardio workout. Tony claims it will dramatically improve one's athletic performance, no matter what sport. This isn't a testimonial or anything for his workout, just another blog post. :) Seriously though, if you want to sweat and loosen up your tight muscles, P90X plyometrics is the workout for you! Plyos were always my favorite back when I did sports in school, from soccer to track, I always looked forward to the plyos. Except 
this workout is a lot more intense than high school and is about 50 minutes long.
I think I made a boo boo yesterday... Somehow, I don't know whether it was during my seven-mile run or if I bent wrong, but I did something to my lower left-hand side of my back. This has happened quite a few times before. It's due to my scoliosis... my spine curves about 40 degrees to the right so it can sometimes affect my running... So, I've been going to Lewis Family Chiropractic in Streetsboro. Dr. Lewis has definitely helped my back A LOT. But, sometimes I turn the wrong way during a run and it freaks out on me again... I was still able to do my workout this morning, but when I went to work on my abs is when my back was like, "HEY NOW! I'm hurt, cut it out!" So I didn't get too far on that... I'm going to ice it some more and do some stretches. Tomorrow is another off-running day, so I think I'll do some of Jillian's Michael's Yoga Meltdown. :)

Can't wait for next weekend! I'm doing the Tree City 5K at KSU on Saturday night at 7 pm and then the Aurora Fourth of July Fun Run 5K on Monday morning. Two 5K's in one weekend, YES! I'm supposed to run five miles on Saturday, so I'll probably run two miles early Saturday and then the 5K that night.

Oh, and another thing.... DRIVERS: If you see a person running on the side of the road, please give them some space and try not to get too close to the runner. As I was driving to my Psychiatrist this morning (yes he is open on Sundays) I saw a fellow runner running on the side of 43. Cars were only a few inches from his body... I moved over more into the other other lane to give him more room. Now, I didn't try to cause an accident with other drivers on the other side of the road. But I went slightly over the line in the middle so I wouldn't get too close. He gave me a grateful wave and smile as I drove past him. As I politely nodded I thought, "I understand my brotha... Drivers have no respect for us runners or bikers on the roads..." . Maybe they're jealous? Or maybe they just don't give a shit... I'll probably go with the later as I saw a dead BABY dear lying in the middle of the road close to where I saw the runner... :-(
So, please drive safely out there, whether it's to save the life of a runner, biker or even a poor, little deer...

Have a great Sunday! :)

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