Sunday, August 7, 2011

Long Runs and Chocolate Milk

Ahhh yes... It's that time of week again, SUNDAY! This morning was a 15-mile run at the Bedford Reservation through the Cleveland Metroparks. I had two awesome ladies to accompany on the run too! It would have been a tough run to go on without some company!

Running and picture taking!
The run was supposed to start at 8:00 AM, but I got there about 30-40 minutes early so I could get four miles in before the other girls got there because the plan was to run 10 today, but mine was 15. It was a great path! I think I'm going to be running at this spot a lot more! It was kind of like Sunny Lake's little fitness area, but they had different fitness spots through out the course. They consisted of poles and such to do pull-ups and push-ups and stuff. The path was also nicely paved and had a divided line like a road. I took a couple pictures on my phone during my four-mile run. I brought it with me so I knew how close I was to 8:00 AM. Once the other two ladies arrived we went the opposite way I went to do 10.
Bedford Reservation
This weekend's long run was nothing like last weekend's, and it was even longer! Last weekend's 14-mile run was brutal! Blake and I also ran it at 11 or 12, so it was pretty damn hot out! This time the sun was barely out at all and the path was pretty shady for the most part. There was also a nice breeze. The night before I had whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce, some mixed veggies and crumbled up a Boca Burger in. NOM! I had a yogurt and banana as a snack later too. This morning I wasn't too hungry so I just drank a little over eight ounces of Gatorade and was ready to go! Christa seemed to be surprised that I don't take any kind of gels or anything. I think I'm going to start though... I drank water the whole 15 miles, but no other type of energy/electrolytes and carb replenishment.

Afterwards though I had, wait for it.... CHOCOLATE MILK! For those of you who have known me for quite some time know that I DO NOT eat any type of junk food... No cookies, candy, hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, white bread/pasta, especially chocolate. I just started making my own whole-wheat pizza and that was  BIG step. But, chocolate milk? That's just crazy talk! I honestly can't even tell you when the last time I had chocolate was... It's been YEARS! I started restricting my diet back when I had my eating disorder when I was 11 years old and it got worse when I was in high school. I mean, I wouldn't even eat potatoes or yogurt because I thought they were too fattening! It all has to do with my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Anorexia... I say I'm recovered, but it's always there in the back of my mind trying to sneak back into my life. I still am obsessed with eating "healthy," but there's nothing wrong with having some chocolate or cake here and there. All in moderation. I just need to get myself to start believing it. But, I'm getting there, slowly but surely. Who know, maybe I'll have some cake on my wedding day?! :)

On the car ride back home I was debating on even drinking it... I was thinking about my meal to eat after the run last night... I kept thinking, is that too much protein? Is that TOO many calories? Then, I just tell myself to get over it and do something good for my body! Running 15 miles is tough and my body deserved some calories and protein! I didn't drink a whole thing of chocolate milk, a little less than eight ounces. But that was a BIG step for me! And I'm proud of me... :)

Anyways, back to chocolate milk! It's been proven to be a great muscle recovery beverage because of it's protein to carbohydrate ratio. A study from James Madison University found that drinking low-fat chocolate milk after a rigorous workout provides "superior muscle recovery compared to a high-carbohydrate recovery beverage with the same amount of calories." Check out the article in Medical News Today!

Well, that's it for now. Getting my puppy Miles tomorrow! So excited! MANY pictures will be posted. :)

P.S. New motto - Stay HEALTHY my friends! ;-)

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