Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Going Gym-less this Summer!

Good Morning! So, I did it - I gave my legs a rest! :) Because even Hal Hidgons takes off days. He says in his book:
"For those who failed, often the reason was that they trained too hard and were too unwilling to take days off."
Maybe that was my problem last year when I attempted to train for the full marathon in Cleveland. I resisted rest days but not resting enough.

I plan to take off at least one day a week for my legs to recover. On my cross-training days of Monday and Friday I'll either do some strength training, with legs or just my arms and core. Then on Sunday is when I plan to ride my bike. I think another mistake I made last year was not enough strength training in the early weeks of my training. I would just run and ride my bike, no weight-training or yoga. Although I will be resting at least one day a week, I will be working on my arms and core on the days when I give my legs a rest.

I worked out my arms and core this morning actually though with the lovely Jackie Warner and her video Personal Training with Jackie Warner.

She is a BEAST! Check out those abs! Jealous... She has a 40-minute circuit-training workout that focuses on all of your muscles - it's a killer! You can pick and choose certain body parts too and that's what I did this morning. Her ab workout is pretty awesome! I actually think she's better than Jillian Michaels, and that says something!

The real meaning of this post is to say that I am going gym-less this summer. I normally go to a gym every summer like Snap Fitness, but I decided to save money and just do my workouts at home. I've got TONS of different workouts to do right in my bedroom, why waste money at a gym? My summer equipment includes two sets of weights, 5 lbs and 15 lbs (I would like to get a 10 and 20 lb weight too), resistance bands, 6 lb. Empower Ball, Swiss Ball, a treadmill in our family room, my road bike and a Yoga mat.
I also have my favorite workout DVD's. The best, of course, is Jackie Warner's as I mentioned already. I also have Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown, which is about 30 minutes long. I also have the P90X workout videos on my computer. The ones that I usually do are the Yoga (an hour long) and, my favorite, Plyometrics. Plyometrics is jump training and a little less than an hour-long. If you want to sweat, this is the workout for you! I really think this workout will help me with speed.

Once school starts in August I'll definitely take advantage of Kent State's Recreation Center. It's AMAZING! So much better and bigger than BGSU's Rec Center...

So, that is it for today. I'm actually running a little late on getting ready for work. OOPS! P.S. I HATE my job... Trying to find a new one.... Ok, well I don't HATE it, it's just not me...
I need something that is actually in my field. Business and Entrepreneurship to me is BORING... The people are nice though.

Stay fit my friends!

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