Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Running for a Good High

Like the title? That's probably what got you to read this, wasn't it? Well, good, I'm glad you opened it because this post is dedicated to an amazing feeling some lucky runners get when they do what they love most....

So, the alarm went off at 6:00 AM this morning and I pondered hitting snooze and sleeping for another 10 minutes or so. Instead I jumped out of bed and remembered what I was getting up early for - to RUN! It's my favorite part of the day. It really gets my blood flowing, heart pumping and energized for the rest of the day. I love a good sweat in the early AM! I need to run to get me going in the morning. Yesterday I did Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown DVD and I still felt sleepy afterwards... But, this morning I felt great! I even got into work a half hour earlier than I normally do! If I'm lucky I get a good high too. No, I'm not talking about puffing on some marijuana or anything, I'm talking about a natural high. Endorphins anyone?

According to MedicineNet.com, "Endorphins are among the brain chemical known as neurotransmitters, which function to transmit electrical signals with the nervous system. At least 20 types of enforphins have been demonstrated in humans. Endorphins can be found in the pituitary gland, in other parts of the brain, or distributed throughout the nervous system."

Check out this article: Running can make you high, and this one out: Exercise and Mood!

The first article was written by my favorite New York Times reporter, Gina Kolata. She's a science journalist who does a lot of fitness articles. She interviews runners who have experienced the high and those who have not. It's a really good article - check it out. The second link talks about all aspects of endorphins and how they affect our moods. It stated that 60-70% of well-conditioned runner experience the "runner's high." I love it when I get a high off running, it's like a rush of euphoria and your brain just goes numb to everything around you and your body just wants to keep on going. I even have a Nike T-shirt that says, "Just say YES to Endorphins." :)
The best runner's high I ever had was at last year's Akron Half-Marathon. I felt OK for the first 8 miles or so. Then once I got to the 10-mile marker, I felt like I was on top of the world and had a rush of euphoria. I don't normally get a high when I'm running 3 miles on my own, but I might during a 5K race. It just depends.

Just another reason to love running, right? :)

One bad thing about today's run though was... SHIN SPLINTS! I've only had my shoes since March and I already think it's about time to get new ones... I'll give them about another 50 miles or so and see if these darn shin splints go away. If not, it's time for a new pair. Eeeee!! I LOVE getting new running shoes!! Most girls probably love getting a new pair of pumps or a Louis Vuitton purse. Not me, nope, give me a pair of Mizunos or Nikes, please! :)

Well, that's it for today. Going on a four-mile run tomorrow morning. I have to get to work pretty early for a big meeting, so I'll probably end up waking up around 5:30 AM. It's worth it though, not complaining. :)

Stay fit my friends!


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