Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Happy Thursday everyone! Wow, FOUR followers in four days. :-)

No work today, YAY! That means I get to sleep in until 7:30ish, eat breakfast before I run, watch ALL of Good Morning America and LIVE with Regis and Kelly. YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! I actually kind of like running before I eat breakfast, but most mornings I'm starving when I wake up, so it's kind of nice to eat before. Either way, I HAVE to eat breakfast in the morning. I don't know how people cannot eat something in the morning. Actually I do... Most people who are not hungry in the morning, it's because they ate too much the night before. If you eat the right amount of food the night before you should be slightly hungry when you wake up in the morning. Plus, a nice well-balanced meal in the morning revs up your metabolism and helps you eat less throughout the day. People who eat breakfast tend to weight less, proven fact.Check out this article if you're a non-breakfast eater. Lose Weight: Eat Breakfast

My breakfast this morning, and most mornings for that matter, was my all-time favorite whole-wheat Giant Eagle's bagel with Jif's All Natural Creamy Peanut Butter (has much less fat, calories and sodium then regular peanut butter) and slices of bananas on top and a glass of skim milk... NOM NOM!

I wouldn't say this is the BEST breakfast to have before a run. The peanut butter seems to stick to my insides while I run. And milk is also not the best either... But, it's so good and it gives me energy. It's better to eat this after my run because of the amount of carbs to fat ratio with the peanut butter, wheat and milk. One of my best before-workout breakfasts is oatmeal with almonds and blueberries... Or Post Grape-Nuts with grapes and skim milk. I love me some Grape-Nuts! Those are pretty much it when it comes to breakfast for me. The bagel and peanut butter banana one is what I eat pretty much everyday, but I try to mix it up a little with my other two favs.

I can't wait until my mileage increases over the next couple of weeks. I LOVE when I get up into the 30-miles plus weeks. By the middle of my training program is when I feel the best. This week is only a 16-mile week. Three miles three times during the week and then my long run on Saturday will be seven miles. Some people may think I'm crazy, but running is seriously my FAVORITE thing to do and if you're following this blog then we're probably on the same page. I may not be the fastest or run the furthest, but I sure do enjoy it when I do run. I do have my days where it's a struggle, but why would I want to do something that's easy? I like a challenge, hence why I'm running my first marathon in a few months. :)

Courtesy of Netflix

After my three-mile run today I decided to do some strength training since I had time. I found an excellent workout video on Netflix called The Trainer's Edge: Integrated Strength Training. He's no Jillian Michaels or Jackie Warner, but this guy knows what he's talking about! He doesn't just focus on one muscle group, but he does a whole bunch of muscle groups at a time. I did this workout last week and felt it in my arms and obliques the most the next day. 

Now I just got done eating my yummy home-made turkey chili from last night (so much better the day after) and waiting on the rain to calm down so me and my long-time best friend Therese can go on a hike! We've been friends since we were like four years old! :-)

Stay dry my friends!


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