Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Love Sundays!

Hello! Today is my favorite day of the week - SUNDAY! It may seem like an odd day to be one's favorite, but to me it's the most relaxing one of them all. Sundays are usually my long-run days, which also makes it my favorite. Some people probably don't look forward to Sundays because it's the day before the work week starts again and they feel as though they HAVE to go to church. Well, my church includes a pair of running shoes, iPod and the road. I feel as though God would want you to be doing something good for your body and mind, not just sitting around for an hour or so. But, that's just me. :)

So far today is a great Sunday. Got up around 6:30 AM to go on an 11-mile run with Blake at Silver Springs. The sun was out, it was in the 70's and there was a slight breeze. There were plenty of other runners, bikers and walkers out on the trail this morning too. I felt great the first 8-9 miles, then my hamstrings started to get sore. I haven't ran more than eight miles since May, so it was definitely a little bit of a challenge today. We ran between a 9:30-10 minute mile pace. It's not the fastest, but hey, we weren't racing. Just trying to get that 11 miles in. I also took some Creatine afterwords to see if it will help me with recovery since my legs are usually sore for a while after a long run.

After our run this morning I met up with a good friend, Dani, at Panera. I'm so glad we met at BGSU last year. She's such a great person and friend, and not to mention a fellow-runner. I really hope we become life-long friends. :)

In a little bit Blake and I are taking Noah and Max up to the Dog Park in Stow. Then grocery shopping later and probably relaxing and taking a nap. See, what a great Sunday! I got a lot of my favorite things in one day! Running, spending time with Blake, friends, dogs, NAPS, and food! YAY! Grocery shopping really isn't a chore to me - I kind of enjoy it in a strange way. Tonight I need to prepare more for tomorrow as well. My teacher/coach from high school asked me to come speak to his cross country girls tomorrow at 4:00. I'm really excited! I mean it's pretty much my future career - health promotion - and not to mention with my favorite subject: RUNNING! :) I'll let ya'll know how it goes.

Well, off to the Dog Park I go! Have a great Sunday and stay fit my friends!

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