Thursday, July 14, 2011

Running on a Team?

So, I'm thinking about joining Grunt Girls, which is Northeast Ohio's only all-women-multisport team. Grunt Girl Racing provides training and support for a whole bunch of different races from 5K's to trail running, marathons, duathlons, triathlons, etc. My neighbor down the street is in the group and loves it! I've been thinking about joining for a couple months now, just haven't got the guts to meet the girls and start running... I've e-mailed back and forth a couple of the members already. They were very encouraging and friendly. I think it would be awesome to be part of something so positive and to be around a bunch of like-minded girls. Plus, I'd like to better myself in racing and explore some of the other races I haven't done yet. Not that I'm getting bored with what I'm currently doing, but it'll be nice to change things up a bit and get a little more competitive. As I mentioned before, my next goal is to do a Half IronMan, but I think before that I'd like to PR in a 5K and hopefully place in the top three females OVERALL, not just in my age group. I've been doing so much long-distance training that I don't really focus on speed work. Especially in my marathon training, there's no speed work at all! Training with the Grunt Girls can help me with that. Plus a lot of these girls have more experience than me, so I can learn from them.

Courtesy of Grunt Girls Racing.
I know one thing for sure, I'll be running in the Grunt Girls' annual Shatter the Silence Trail Run on August 18! It is seven miles through the trails of the Peninsula. A few of the girls in GGR were sexually assaulted and organized this race. Survivors of sexual assault are asked to wear purple the day of the race. How empowering! That takes a lot of courage to do that and I respect each and every one of them for it. The next time they have a trail run I plan on meeting them and running. I'll let ya'll know how it goes of course! :)

Speaking of training, this morning was an easy three-miler and Wednesday was six miles. I ran up a lot of hills over the past two days, so I'm a little sore... Tomorrow is a rest day and I think I'll take advantage of it! I may do some arms and core work, but nothing too much. Saturday is a 12-mile run and it's supposed to be pretty toasty out, so it'll be another early morning Saturday!

Until then, stay fit my friends! :)

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