Saturday, July 16, 2011

What Doesn't Kill You, Only Makes You Stronger!

Today was a tough long run... Blake and I ran 12 miles through the Metro Parks. We started off at the Route 8 entrance to change it up. We went out a little over four miles one way, went on the road a little and then headed back and ran the other way for a little less than two miles so I had to run back the way we started off a little further. I don't know if it was from running a lot in the sun or because I was hungry, but those 12 miles were hard, real hard! The first seven miles or so weren't too bad, but the last 3-4 miles really killed me. I had to slow down, stop to drink a lot, but I didn't give up. I just had to keep telling my self that there wasn't too much further to go and how good it'll feel afterwards to have ran the whole 12 miles instead of giving up. That's to me is more painful than any sore muscles - giving up and not trying my best. The pain in my legs will eventually go away, but the defeat and failure to finish will always be on my mind. Besides, 12 miles isn't even half of what I'll be running in October! I kept thinking, wow, can I really do 26.2 miles? I can barely finish this 12! Well, I'm still building on to my mileage and I know it'll get easier as I build up. I WILL NOT quit this time! I won't be making that phone call to the Columbus Marathon saying I'm switching to the HALF marathon like I did last year for the Cleveland...  I MUST complete 26.2 miles, even if it is only that one time on October 16.

Anyways, it was mainly my quadriceps that were killing me. I was breathing fine and everything else felt great, expect for my quads...  The last mile and a half Blake said he couldn't feel his legs anymore and didn't want to run in the sun so he stopped to go back to the car for a little bit as I kept going. When I ran back he ran the last quarter mile with me. Afterwards I felt sick to my stomach and thought I was going to keel over and/or throw up. I felt like I was going to throw up last weekend too when I ran the 11 miles, but not like today...

I do feel better now that I ate though. I had a PB&J on whole wheat bread with carrot sticks and a banana and green tea. I'm wondering if I should have had more than a half of a banana before I ran this morning? We didn't run until around 9:30 AM so I'm usually starving by then. Next weekend is nine miles, so I think I'll try eating something like a Luna Bar or something to see if I have more energy. That's what I'm thinking was wrong with me today - not enough energy. I felt very sluggish the last few miles and we ran out of water. =-/

Tomorrow I think Blake and I are going to go on a bike ride. I'm also just waiting on Blake now and we're going to go SWIMMING! I haven't gone swimming since last summer... It'll be good to get some sun (yes, I will be wearing sunscreen, my fellow wellness buddies :) ) and I'm sure my legs will love it too!

Sorry, no pictures today in this post... Lame, I know! Until next time, stay fit my friends! :)

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